Creating stories from spaces A spatial vitalization business

Spatial vitalization is not just about keeping a spaceʼs function and value alive, but also about skillfully enabling that space to be effective. Through such spaces and experiences, people meet people, people meet products, and stories are born.


We help to create enriching environments
by putting people first and creating new value

  • M
  • Bringing people delight and passion
    through spatial vitalization

    At NOMURA MEDIAS, our mission is to bring people delight and passion by drawing out the power of spaces and to contribute to society through spatial vitalization. We will continue to enrich people’s hearts and everyday lives by fostering myriad new discoveries born from spaces.

  • V
  • Spatial vitalization professionals who unleash the boundless
    creativity of multitalented people

    Our vision embodies both the company we strive to become and the people our team members strive to be.
    We believe in the capabilities of each individual and we aim to be a group of professionals who unleash their full potential.
    Each of us has unique expertise, and together we create spaces that bring people delight and passion.

  • V
  • ・Looking at the world from consumers’ perspectives
    ・Standing by our clients’ sides
    ・Fostering new discoveries

    Our approach to vitalizing spaces starts by standing beside our clients and understanding their ideas.
    We work closely with our clients—agonizing, contemplating, and fostering new discoveries together.
    Being a true and understanding partner is both our starting point and our driving force.

  • ALUE


At NOMURA MEDIAS, our approach is based on three businesses that captivate, support, and flourish, together with 11 solutions. Through spaces with high added value, we provide experiences that embody our clients’ ideas and overcome the challenges they face while also helping to maximize the success of their businesses and brands.

Space Promotion

Space Promotion Space Promotion

Brings vibrancy to daily life
and enriches people’s days.

Our space promotion business brings vibrancy to spaces, enriching the hearts and daily lives of people. With fresh ideas and a spirit of hospitality, we work to convey our clientsʼ allure-their brand image-to consumers.

  • Season promotion / 
  • Corporate promotion / 
  • Pop-up stores / 
  • Window display / 
  • Public events - Displays / 
  • Special exhibition / 
  • POP Point of purchase advertising / 
  • Sign & Graphics / 
  • Light displays / 
  • Visual presentation
click here for
the works

Exhibition Produce / Maintenance EXHIBITION PRODUCE / MAINTENANCE

To many people
give surprise and impress.

Exhibition production specialists carry out daily maintenance, drawing on their expertise to ensure the quality of the audienceʼs experience.

  • Exhibition equipment / 
  • Model & sculpture production / 
  • Maintenance / 
  • LEDs (signage) / 
  • Video & audio equipment / 
  • Video content
click here for
the works

Shop & Event Management SHOP & EVENT MANAGEMENT

Creating stories of people and products

We operate unique spaces where customers take home items filled with the memories and emotions of their visit. These spaces stay in people’s hearts and minds for years, supporting our clients’ businesses success.

  • Store concept planning / 
  • Product planning & production / 
  • Merchandise store operation / 
  • Restaurant operation / 
  • Promotional items
click here for
the works


11 Solutions from NOMURA MEDIAS

  • 01 Planning
    click here for the works

    After understanding our clients’ ideas and analyzing the issues they face, we put forward wide-ranging ideas from concept creation through to detailed plans and content proposals.

  • 02 Design
    click here for the works

    We create spaces and content that express and embody our clients’ ideas.

  • 03 Layout
    click here for the works

    We create technical drawings and specifications that give concrete form to how the client's ideas are expressed in the design.​

  • 04 Production and Construction
    click here for the works

    With the right knowledge and judgment, we bring projects to fruition by managing production and construction with commitment to quality, safety, and the environment.​

  • 05 Product Development
    click here for the works

    We research consumer needs, then plan and develop products they are looking for while aligning with the concept and vision behind the space.​

  • 06 Sales Promotions and Promotional items
    click here for the works

    We plan and create sales promotion tools and promotional items that inspire action by consumers.​

  • 07 Maintenance
    click here for the works

    To provide experiences and productions that offer safety and peace of mind, we perform regular maintenance, inspections, repairs, and equipment replacement.​

  • 08 Event Organization
    click here for the works

    To maximize the impact of events, we plan and implement everything from creating spaces to attracting customers and providing customer service support.​

  • 09 Store Operation
    click here for the works

    We create sales spaces rooted in each store’s concept and manage day-to-day operations with its worldview at the center.​

  • 10 Content Design
    click here for the works

    We plan and create original content to support our clients’ businesses.

  • 11 System Devices
    click here for the works

    We build and install various production system devices to support the implementation of digital content.

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