Sustainability policy

At NOMURA MEDIAS, we follow the NOMURA Group management policy of helping to create enriching environments by putting people first and creating new value. Based on this, we are working hard to share delight and passion with society, while also improving our corporate value and helping to achieve a sustainable society. We do this through spatial creation and spatial vitalization that provide a range of communication possibilities.

Establishment of our Sustainability Policy and Sustainability Committee

Sustainability activities

  1. 01 Corporate governance (governance, risk management, compliance)

    01 Corporate governance (governance, risk management, compliance)

    We will comply with laws, regulations, and social norms, appropriately manage the risks involved in our business activities, and establish governance for fair and sound corporate activities that are environmentally and socially friendly.

    • Strict adherence to the NOMURA Group Code of Conduct
    • Establishment of Risk Management Committee and Compliance Committee
    • Implementation of diversity and inclusion training
    Items to be achieved
  2. 02 Respecting human rights, different work styles,
    Acceptance of diversity, and developing human resources

    02 Respecting human rights, different work styles, Acceptance of diversity, and developing human resources

    We will deepen our understanding of human rights issues related to our business activities and fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights.

    We will pursue healthy work styles for our employees, and embrance a wide range of diversity with respect to age, gender, disability, nationality, race, and values.Moreover, we will consider individuals’ abilities to be a from of capital, and strive to develop human resources who can reach their individual potential.

    • Provision of general consultation service enabling timely advice while protecting privacy
    • Support for systems to raise employment rate of people with disabilities
    Items to be achieved
  3. 03 Quality, environment, and safety

    03 Quality, environment, and safety

    We will strive to improve safety standards, and the quality of the products and services we provide.

    We will work to reduce the environmental impact of our business activities by adopting and developing environmentally-friendly procurement and new technologies.

    • Establishment of Safety Partners Association to support the provision of services with safety and peace of mind
    • Safety patrols at construction sites
    Items to be achieved
  4. 04 Activities contribution to society

    04 Activities contribution to society
    ©Mariko Hamano

    Through our business activities, we will contribute to the development of culture and local communities, to promote mutual understanding across cultures and regions, and to invest in building up the next generation

    • Participation in Tokyo Waterfront City Association activities
    • Participation in projects to vitalize of local communities through spatial vitalization
    • Developing and proposing environmentally-friendly materials
    Items to be achieved

Sustainability management

You can view a summary of the main KPI data for NOMURA MEDIAS business activities.

NOMURA medias Sustainability Report 2024PDF

Quality, environment, safety and health policy

You can view the quality, environment, safety and health policies of the NOMURA Group.

Quality, environment, safety and health policyPDF

Whistleblower Hotline (reporting information about compliance)

※「内部通報窓口」をクリックしてもメーラーが立ち上がらない場合は​、hotline(at)nomura-g.jpへご送信ください。なお、 (at) の部分を@に置き換えてください。
