NOMURA MEDIAS Co., Ltd. (the "Company") collects and uses important Personal Information from business partners to realize our higher-level services.
The Company recognizes Personal Information protection as an important responsibility and shall handle Personal Information in accordance with the following policies in order to fulfill this responsibility.
Further, the Company recognizes the importance of the protection of Personal Information of our employees and those who are involved in our business activities also and handles such Personal Information in the same manner as the business partners’ information.

  1. 1. Definition of Personal Information

    Personal Information means, regardless of the medium, information which can identify a specific individual by name, date of birth, other description or number associated with individual contained in such information (including any information that is not identifiable only by the information but identifiable for a specific individual by matching it against other information.).

  2. 2. Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

    When providing services such as planning, designing, supervising or producing displays or products, sales of goods, etc., the Company may collect your Personal Information directly or from third parties to the extent necessary for executing transactions with companies or organizations dealing with the Company. The handling of Personal Information by the Company is limited within the scope of the purposes notified to you or the scope of the services. Your Personal Information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent. As measures to prevent use or disclosure beyond the purposes, Personal Information is used or disclosed upon a confirmation of appropriateness by Personal Information Protection Manager. Further, the Company strengthens control activities through self-inspection or internal audit.

  3. 3. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

    The Company complies with laws, regulations, guidelines, contracts, internal rules and other norms with regard to Personal Information protection and strives to protect your Personal Information.

  4. 4. Continuous Improvement

    The Company continuously reviews and improves the internal rules with regard to Personal Information protection in response to legislations or amendments of laws and regulations relating to Personal Information protection, change of societal circumstances, business partners’ requirements, developments of technologies or business environment, etc.

  5. 5. Security Management Measures for Protection of Personal Information

    1. (1) Preventive Measures against Leakage, Loss, Damage etc. of Personal Information

      To prevent accidents such as leakage, loss, damage etc. of Personal Information, the Company appoints Personal Information Protection Manager and establishes the management system for Personal Information and implements strict security measures such as entry and exit management of facilities, security measures on computer systems etc. In addition, the Company trains and supervises the employees to ensure the thoroughness thereof. When outsourcing Personal Information handling works to any third party, the Company strictly selects and supervises such third party.

    2. (2) Corrective Measures against Leakage, Loss, Damage etc. of Personal Information

      In the event that any leakage, loss or damage of Personal Information occurs, the Company promptly takes corrective measures placing top priority on the prevention of spread of damages and strives to determine the causes and implement measures to prevent recurrence. Further, the Company reports the incident information to those who are involved and relevant authorities to the extent necessary. In addition, the Company maintains internal systems such as system recovery procedure, emergency contact network etc.

  6. 6. Complaints, Consultations and Inquiries relating to Privacy Policy and Personal Information

    For complaints or consultations relating to the contents of this privacy policy or the handling of Personal Information, please contact the following. NOMURA MEDIAS Co., Ltd. Personal Information Protection Office
    Phone Number: +81-3-6426-0198
    (Operation Hours:10:00~17:00<closed on Saturday, Sunday, public holidays and new years holidays>)

    that's all
  1. Handling of Personal Information

    We herein announce the following items relating to the personal information handled by NOMURA MEDIAS Co., Ltd.

  2. 1. Purpose of Use of Personal Information Not Obtained Directly from Written Documents

    If we obtain personal information by a method other than acquiring such information directly from written documents, we will handle the information within the scope of the following purpose of use.

    Types of “personal information” Purpose of use
    DM shipping data & information from customers and other business partners obtained in connection with commissioned work To engage in commissioned work
    Information from telephone inquiries To respond to the various inquiries that NOMURA MEDIAS receives
  3. 2. Disclosure to Third Parties

    Except as required by applicable laws or regulations, we do not disclose personal information of customers to third parties without advance consent.

  4. 3. Retained Personal Data

    The purpose of use of personal data held by NOMURA is as follows.

    Types of “personal information” Purpose of use
    Customers and other business partners To conduct business with companies or organizations dealing with the Company, including planning, designing, supervising or producing displays or products, designing, producing, protecting or providing operational support for exhibition displays, visuals, graphics, information systems, etc., developing or operating foodservice or sales locations, developing original merchandise, and sales of goods, etc.
    Information in inquiries submitted via our website To respond to the various inquiries that NOMURA MEDIAS receives
    Employee information Human resource management, business contact
    Employment applicant information To consider and make decisions on recruitment
  5. 4. Joint use of personal information

    Personal information of customers (including those considering or interested in transactions) will be used jointly within NOMURA Group as follows:

    • How to obtain personal information for joint use
      Exchange of business cards, inquiries to the homepage/main phone number, etc., requests for materials, participation in seminars, questionnaire surveys, site browsing

    • Items of personal information to be jointly used
      Name, company name, title, contact phone number, contact email address, survey response results, site browsing history

    • Scope of parties to joint use
      NOMURA MEDIAS Co., Ltd., NOMURA Co., Ltd., NOMURA ARCHS Co., Ltd., C's·three Co., Ltd.

    • Purpose of joint use
      Providing information on services and products of our company and our group companies, conducting questionnaire surveys, and responding to inquiries.

    • Person in charge of managing personal information regarding joint use
      NOMURA MEDIAS Co., Ltd.
      2-3-5 Daiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo
      Representative Director and President Shinji Sakai

  6. 5. Requests for Disclosure, etc.

    NOMURA MEDIAS will respond to the following requests and such received from an individual regarding their retained personal data.

    • Requesting a notification about the purpose of use of the individual’s personal information.

    • Requesting the disclosure of the individual’s personal information.

    • Requesting a correction, addition or deletion when the individual believes that their personal information is not true after it is disclosed to them.

    • Requesting that the personal information be deleted or its use stopped when the individual believes that their personal information has been retained or used beyond the scope required to achieve the purpose of use after it is disclosed to them, or if the individual believes that their personal information was acquired illegally.

    • Requesting that the individual’s personal information not be provided to a third party any more.

    • Requesting disclosure of any records of the individual’s personal information being provided to a third party.

    1. (1) Method for requesting disclosure, etc. (including changing the disclosure and stopping the use of personal information)

      The following department is responsible for responding to requests regarding retained personal data.
      NOMURA MEDIAS Co., Ltd. Personal Information Protection Office
      When making a request, please download the "Personal Information Disclosure Request Form", fill in the necessary items, attach the necessary documents, and then send it by postal mail to the address below.

      Download the personal information disclosure request form (PDF format)

      NOMURA MEDIAS Co., Ltd. Personal Information Protection Office
      2-3-5 Daiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 135-0091

      1. [1] Required documents to be attached to the request form:
        • The individual’s certificate of residence
          *The response document will be sent to the address listed on the submitted certificate of residence.
      2. [2] Request for disclosure, etc. by an agent

        If an agent is used to request disclosure, etc., please submit the following documents in addition to the above.

        • The agent’s certificate of residence
        • One of the following documents to confirm the agent’s power of representation

        For a privately appointed agent: Power of attorney (stamped with the individual’s registered seal) and the individual’s seal certificate, For a legal representative: Documents such as a copy of the family register to prove that the representative is a legal representative

      3. [3] Fees for the request for disclosure, etc. and collection method

        In principle, for [1] "Request for notification of the purpose of use of the individual’s personal information" and [2] "Request for disclosure of the individual’s personal information", if you wish us to reply by postal mail for the disclosure method, a fee of 1,000 yen will be charged per request. For these requests, please enclose a postal money order or postage stamps worth 1,000 yen together with the request form.

    2. (2) Response method for requests for disclosure, etc.

      After we have received and checked the details of your request, we will send a “Personal Information Disclosure Response Form” within 2 weeks of receipt to your address or to your email address if you stated that you wish the disclosure method to be by email for [2] “Request for disclosure of the individual’s personal information”.

    3. (3) The purpose of use of personal information collected in response to requests for disclosure, etc.

      Personal information collected in connection with a request for disclosure, etc., shall be handled only within the scope necessary to respond to the request for disclosure, etc. In addition, NOMURA will keep the information on file for up to one year, and responsibly dispose of any information that has exceeded this period of time.

    4. (4) Reasons for non-disclosure of retained personal data

      Retained personal data will not be disclosed in the following cases. If we decide not to disclose the retained personal data, we will notify you of the reason for the decision. Furthermore, the same designated fee will still be charged for (1) [3] above even if the retained personal data is not disclosed.

      1. [1] If we cannot confirm the individual’s identity

      2. [2] If we cannot confirm the power of representation during an application by an agent

      3. [3] If the specified application form and required documents are incomplete

      4. [4] If the subject of the request for disclosure does not correspond to retained personal data

      5. [5] If it is likely to harm the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the individual or a third party

      6. [6] If there is due concern of a significant obstruction to the proper operation of business at NOMURA

      7. [7] If it is necessary to cooperate with the execution of the legally prescribed operations of a national government agency or local government, and announcing or notifying the individual about the purpose of use may be a hindrance to carrying out these operations

      8. [8] If it violates laws and regulations or if special procedures are stipulated by laws and regulations

  7. (5) Measures taken to safely manage retained personal data

    1. [1] Establishing a basic policy

      In order to ensure that we appropriately handle personal information, we have established a Privacy Policy based on the Japanese Act on the Protection of Personal Information and the JIS Q 15001 standard.

    2. [2] Maintaining protocols for handling personal information

      We have established internal protocols, based on our personal information protection management system, covering methods for handling personal information, the persons in charge of handling personal information, and their responsibilities, etc.

    3. [3] Organizational security measures

      In addition to designating a person in charge of our handling of personal information, we have clearly identified which employees, etc. handle personal information, as well as the scope of the personal information that they handle, and we maintain a system for reporting to the person in charge in the event that an actual or potential violation of the internal protocols of our personal information protection management system is discovered.
      Furthermore, along with regular self-assessments of our handling of personal information, we also have audits conducted by members of other departments and external auditors.

    4. [4] Human security measures

      We regularly provide training related to the protection of personal information for our employees, etc., and we also collect written pledges from these persons regarding the confidentiality of personal information.

    5. [5] Physical security measures

      We monitor employees, etc. when they enter and exit areas where personal information is handled, and restrict the devices, etc. that they are allowed to bring into these areas, and we also take measures to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing personal information.
      Furthermore, in addition to measures to prevent the theft or loss, etc., of the devices, electronic media, or documents, etc. that we use to handle personal information, we also implement measures to prevent leaks, etc. from occurring when we move said devices, electronic media, etc., including moves within our own facilities.

    6. [6] Technical security measures

      In addition to appropriately controlling access to our information systems, etc. used in the handling of personal information, we have structures in place to protect against unauthorized access by external actors, infection with malware, etc.

    7. [7] Understanding the external environment

      When we store retained personal data overseas or provide it to a third party located overseas, we become familiar with the systems for protecting personal information in the local country, and implement appropriate measures accordingly.

  8. that's all

    Established: March 1, 2022 (Reiwa 4)
    Revised: June 1, 2024 (Reiwa 6)
    Revised: September 1, 2024 (Reiwa 6)
  • Handling of Information on Website

  • Cookies

    This website uses Google's access analysis tool "Google Analytics". This Google Analytics uses cookies in order to collect traffic data. This traffic data is collected anonymously and does not identify individuals. This function allows you to refuse collection by disabling the Cookie so please check your browser settings. However, please note that if you choose to refuse Cookies, you may not be able to use the full functionality of the services on the website of the Company. For details of these terms of use, please refer to Google Analytics Terms of Service.

    Google Analytics Terms of Service
  • SSL

    This website uses “DigiCert Secure Site Pro SSL” from DigiCert, Inc. for the security of registrations or transmissions of Personal Information.
    “DigiCert Secure Site Pro SSL” has a function for proving the existence of NOMURA MEDIAS Co., Ltd., the operator of this website, and enables encrypted communication between a web server and a web browser by SSL. This makes registrations and updates of personal data on this website more secure.
    The database servers storing members’ Personal Information are strictly managed in the data centers with 24-hour security facilities. Further, access to the data stored in these servers are strictly limited to the Company and limited persons in the operation management company contracted with the Company.

Whistleblower Hotline (reporting information about compliance)

※「内部通報窓口」をクリックしてもメーラーが立ち上がらない場合は​、hotline(at)nomura-g.jpへご送信ください。なお、 (at) の部分を@に置き換えてください。
